Jumat, 27 Januari 2012

exploitation by msf On Virtual Box (xp)

1. First

  • we must know ip windows xp on Virtual Box

  • Now we will Scan the Ip Address by using Nmap and  Nessus
by Nmap
by Nessus
On the Picture we can see the service who is running
I choose smb

Why I use NETAPI ??
Because i get information in nessus.. we can see in the picture where i block :

set PAYLOAD windows/adduser

I have created a new user :D

Good Luck

2 komentar:

  1. give a reason, why u using netapi?
    please edit your report.

  2. I have to improved my report, I chose NetAPI MS08-067 because the information contained on the menu of nessus smb.
